Welcome to
Evangelism Explosion Canada
Evangelism Explosion (EE) is an effective training and discipling ministry which equips people to share the Gospel using simple Bible verses and lively illustrations.
God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supplies.
- Hudson Taylor -

Mission Statement
To glorify God by equipping believers to multiply in and through local churches worldwide - for friendship, evangelism, discipleship and healthy growth.
Vision Statement
Every nation equipping every people group and every age group to witness to every person.
New trainees gain confidence and experience as they go with, watch, and learn from more experienced trainers. The program is designed to be a gradual learning process. This intentional, non-confrontational method has proven effective in training thousands to be soul winners and winning tens of thousands of people to Christ since 1962. Through this gentle approach, EE helps ordinary people like you and me overcome our fear of witnessing for Jesus.
As more people become focus and active in obeying Christ's great commission, our churches can be transformed to be a more live giving and outreaching churches to the community.